Successful People Focus on Opportunities
Most things that happen to us can be seen as either opportunity or as an obstacle. It depends on what we focus on, or how we choose to view it. Those who are successful, choose to see more things as a reason to be grateful, or as a blessing. Opportunities are a steppingstone for something greater. What’s your outlook on things? Do you focus on finding opportunities or do you only see the risks and obstacles?
Something to Think About
Everyone has problems. Things won’t always go your way, no matter who you are. It’s how you react to your problems that defines you. When you face a problem, do you run away and give up? Or do you choose to find a solution? The answer to these questions will go a long way towards determining the kind of life you’ll live.
Weekly Activity
This week, when problems come your way, re-think how you will respond.
Words of Wisdom
There can be no great accomplishment without risk. Neil Armstrong
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. Muhammad Ali
Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you. Anonymous
It’s better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to just stare at the line for the rest of your life. Anonymous
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T. S. Eliot