Mistakes Are Worth Making

As we head into the fresh, new year, I found this excerpt from author Neil Gaiman that I thought was profound and a great way to keep perspective this year. I wanted to share “his wish” with you this week!“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things happen, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, and changing your world.

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RE/MAX Alliance
Merry Christmas and a Touch of Nostalgia

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! There’s a little child in all of us I think, don’t you? Today, I wanted to share a Christmas classic with you – the “Linus Speech” from A Charlie Brown Christmas. In his quiet, unassuming, and kind way, Linus meets Charlie Brown’s frustration and shares the “true meaning of Christmas”. It gets me every time. I hope you enjoy this iconic childhood memory as much as I did.

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RE/MAX Alliance
Peace on Earth

In 2016 there was an interfaith event at the Ground Zero memorial in New York. The Young People's Chorus of New York City performed “Let There Be Peace on Earth” – and it was truly inspiring and touched people to the core. I’m not sure there was a dry eye in the house, but I know that to see so many children lift their voices in peace and faith certainly touched me. This week, during a time when our world can be so turbulent and difficult, I wanted to share it with you.

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RE/MAX Alliance
Don’t Save it for a Special Occasion

Ever know someone who, no matter the day of the week, or reason to be out and about, is just totally put together? Whether it’s a trip to the grocery store, a stop by the post office, or an important meeting, they take a little time to ensure that they meet the world in the best possible way?

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RE/MAX Alliance
National Roof Over Your Head Day

I know, who comes up with this stuff, right? I saw this and thought it was perfect for this week’s message. While the origins of this “official day” are tough to find, the idea is to be both grateful for the roof over our heads and be thoughtful for those who do not necessarily have that luxury. 

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RE/MAX Alliance
The Unforced Nature of Grace

The path of life is constantly changing. Patterns and comforts may fall away, causing uncertainty in that moment. You may lose something you thought you could never live without, even while you keep going. All seasons of life provide us with ample opportunity to understand the unforced nature of grace.

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RE/MAX Alliance
Giving Thanks

Why is it that it almost feels like we save up all our big celebrations of gratitude and joy for what we have and the people we share our lives with for these little blocks of time? Not everyone, of course, many people are good about nurturing their relationships and pausing to be thankful – but it makes you long for a more even diet of it doesn’t it? 

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RE/MAX Alliance
Positive Attitude

Are you taking total responsibility for your own success? Everyone who truly succeeds develops the attitude of a winner and becomes a leader of others. A positive attitude prepares you for success. How positive is yours? Are you excited about what you’re doing and where you’re going? What’s your attitude toward your career or business?

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RE/MAX Alliance
Nature's Reminders

Some say that the four seasons represent the four seasons of life. Spring is a time for new beginnings and planting seeds to take root. New growth and new opportunities bloom around us, and within us. Summer is a time for relaxing, spending time with family and friends, and the enjoyment of all the beauty in our lives in full swing. Fall represents the reaping of the harvest,

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RE/MAX Alliance
Happy Halloween!

This week children will dress up and run door-to-door shouting “Trick or Treat” and hoping for treats. It’s a fun time of the year for everyone, even adults. Yes, for the past few years, the amount of money being spent by adults on costumes, decorations and candy has steadily risen to an average of $87 per person and a record $9 billion spent on candy this year!

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RE/MAX Alliance
It Starts With Humility

To be great, you have to experience and learn respect; this begins with being humble. Humility and respect come from feeling as though you are a part of something greater than yourself. When you demonstrate respect, it shows that you care. When someone truly cares, amazing things begin to happen

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RE/MAX Alliance
Nature's Wake Up Call

Wouldn’t it be great if life was filled with only “ups” and everything was always perfect? No downs and no defeats. It might seem nice in theory, but the truth is that a perfect world where defeat did not exist would not be perfect at all! Defeat is nature’s way or keeping us alert, waking us up, and teaching us important lessons.

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RE/MAX Alliance
Be in The Moment and Stay Focused

Last week we asked you to slow down a little bit. Did you? If so, you are ready for the next step which is to be in the moment and to stay focused.  Being in the moment requires that you be fully present in a conversation, or activity. Mary Kay was famous for her focus and being present in the moment

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RE/MAX Alliance
Slow Down

This week is about slowing down in a world that is constantly moving at a fast pace, faster than any of us have experienced in the past. I already know what you are thinking. How do I slow down when there is so much to do?  Most of us feel that way. Often, we think that if we can just get that next thing done, we can relax and take a break, but as soon as that thing is done, there are already two or three more things to do.

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RE/MAX Alliance
Great Teachers Have Power

Great teachers care, have extreme patience with others, extensive knowledge of their subject and understand how to deliver their message in a way that impacts the life of others. Everyone remembers that teacher who had an impact of their life, and in some cases, changed their life

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RE/MAX Alliance
It Takes Willpower to Win

Everyone can increase their chances of winning in life by developing the will to win and working towards victory. For some people, competition is everything and their will to win is intense. Many of those at the top fully put their will, body, and soul in hot pursuit of winning.

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RE/MAX Alliance
Create a Vision

The chances of successfully shaping the life of your dreams are substantially higher when you have a clear vision and well thought out action steps to achieve those goals. The first step is to know what you want and why

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RE/MAX Alliance
Stay The Steady Course

It’s easy to get discouraged when your plans and goals do not materialize the way you envisioned they would. After all, aren’t we taught that if you set a goal, create action steps, and follow through, your goal should materialize? Well, sometimes it’s not that easy. Life is filled with distractions and obstacles…

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RE/MAX Alliance
Set Yourself Free

It’s easy to get caught up in other’s expectations, but fall is the time to shed those leaves. As we approach the fall season, set yourself free from those who might hinder you from becoming the person that you want to be. Free yourself from the uncertainties about your abilities, or the fear that you can’t achieve your dreams.

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RE/MAX Alliance
Embrace Your Own Greatness

When we think of someone “great”, we usually look to others around us, or perhaps someone who has made their mark in the world. Someone we admire, or someone who did something remarkable. This week, I challenge you to remember that each of us has greatness inside. What is your greatness? …

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RE/MAX Alliance